Our platform will concentrate initially on 3 key activities
Podcast and Videocast
Every Tuesdays and Thursdays (cadence can change based on personal commitment), Christophe will bring a topic to the network on LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube, it’s called Walk In the Park. Based on the Network votes, Christophe will publish a 30 to 45-minute podcast on Wednesdays. If you feel strongly about the topic, ask to be invited as a guest. This podcast will be the key content for the network. It's called Good morning Leaders! on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and YouTube Podcast
1o1 Program
Because you believe that to accelerate your career you may benefit from 1o1 interaction with Christophe, he has developed a set of offerings to do exactly that, for a modest fee and with very few strings attached, every month it can stop.
Should your team be 5 people or 100,000, why not inviting Christophe to talk about Leadership and his 35 years of experience? Each intervention is fully tailored to your specific request.